Colonial :: History of Virginia


Was Virginia a Southern colony

Was Virginia a Southern colony

February 16, 2019

As the mid-eighteenth century arrived, life for south colonists was ideal…

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Information on Virginia colony

Information on Virginia colony

February 11, 2019

A brief history regarding the Colonization of America and original 13 Colonies…

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Virginia 1607 colony

Virginia 1607 colony

February 6, 2019

Susan Constant, Godspeed and Discovery Re-creations of three vessels that…

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Who founded North Carolina colony and why?

Who founded North Carolina colony and why?

December 8, 2018

1600–1763 A “digital textbook” UNDERSTAND NC’s digital textbook for North…

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Virginia colony settlers

Virginia colony settlers

November 23, 2018

The Powhatans didn t want to risk casualties by directly attacking the…

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Colonies of Virginia

Colonies of Virginia

November 13, 2018

This unique exhibition, March 1- October 15, 2009, explored the provided…

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Virginia colony for Kids

Virginia colony for Kids

November 8, 2018

Jamestown: Very First English Colony in the us Explorers had been landing…

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Geography of Colonial Virginia

Geography of Colonial Virginia

September 19, 2018

No matter what cause or reasons for the tiny Ice Age, scientists and historians…

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Leaders of Virginia colony

Leaders of Virginia colony

August 15, 2018

Archaeologists have actually identified the 400-year-old stays of four…

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Virginia as a colony

Virginia as a colony

August 10, 2018

On August 7, 1776, visitors associated with one of Scotland’s leading newsprints, The Edinburgh Evening Courant, discovered that Virginia…

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Colonial Virginia tobacco

Colonial Virginia tobacco

July 31, 2018

The reputation for tobacco may be the reputation for Jamestown as well as Virginia. No body staple or resource ever before played a…

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Colonial Virginia Politics

Colonial Virginia Politics

July 10, 2018

Pre-Independence The first European settlers had been faithful subjects of English King George II. They established a colony in Virginia…

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Colonial Virginia climate

Colonial Virginia climate

July 5, 2018

By Margaret Pizer Exactly what do leaders’ grants, imperialism, and British common law have to do with environment change? A small…

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Colony Founders

Colony Founders

June 10, 2018

Whether by land or by sea, eighteenth century colonial vacation had been arduous, costly, and lots of times dangerous. Due to this…

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West Virginia University History

West Virginia University History

March 22, 2018

The Early Days: 1867-1899 WVU unsealed in September of 1867 as an all-male, all-white establishment with six faculty users, six college…

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