[Repository Checklist]
The Virginia Colonial Records venture had been established in the 1950s because of the Virginia Historical community, the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, the University of Virginia Library, and Library of Virginia to reconstitute the archive of Virginia's colonial history-a documentary record decimated by war and fire during the Old Dominion's very first three centuries.
Between 1955 and 1985, project representatives visited multiple hundred libraries and archives in Great Britain, Ireland, and France to survey their particular collections for Virginia-related papers. Agents reported their particular findings about important files on Survey Reports that the task ordered microfilm of many original papers. The project has produced 14, 704 of these study Reports (which fluctuate long from a single to more than one hundred pages) and obtained 963 reels of microfilmed papers.
The Electronic Index includes more than five-hundred thousand (500, 000) personal- name and ship-name entries. The index can also be searched by repository name, document name, and study Report number. Search term and combination (Boolean) searches can be obtained, also.
The database in addition connects the digitized pictures regarding the study Reports to your electronic list, hence producing a whole and easily obtainable choosing aid into the documentary riches associated with Virginia Colonial Records Project.
Microfilm Accessibility
Copies of the project microfilm plus the study Reports are offered for analysis by the general public on four participating establishments. Through the 1970s, the project administrators stopped buying microfilm of all of the surveyed documents; because of this, today the task has actually microfilm of no more than two-thirds for the files identified on its Survey Reports.
This microfilm can be acquired to be used by scientists through interlibrary loan from the national Information Resources Periodicals & Microforms element of the University of Virginia Alderman Library (Charlottesville, Virginia 22903) and the Library of Virginia (Richmond, Virginia ). Please contact your neighborhood library being borrow microfilm via interlibrary loan. LVA Interlibrary Loan Home Page
The decision number for Library of Virginia's microfilm is movie 1607. Please require assistance in ordering the microfilm from the closed stacks. Whenever borrowing from Library of Virginia, please request this movie number and the particular reel number you'll need (noted on the catalog record).
The Virginia Colonial Records Project didn't obtain reproduction liberties the papers from foreign repositories. Therefore, the Library of Virginia CANNOT supply copies of papers explained inside Survey Reports. Address requests for copies of papers to the repository keeping the initial record.
Bibliography of Related Sources